Home-Owairaka School pepeha


Ko wai te whaine? (POI)

This waiata has two different explanations. The first verse's explanation is about how Wairaka saved the Mātaatua waka from crashing into a gigantic rock. The second verse's explanation is about how Wairaka came to Auckland to visit her brother but when she arrived to the maunga that is now called Owairaka, her brother had already moved on. So Wairaka claimed the mountain for her people and still retains her name here in Mt Albert today.

Ko Wairaka te tipuna,

Hei uri o toroa e…
Kua whakaora tana iwi o (Ngati awa-Tama),
Mātaatua waka,e.
A hi aue,aue.(tama),
E rere tāku poi whakarnga, whakararo,
Tāku poi e porotiti.

Ko Owairaka te kura,
Anei o mokopuna e,
Kua eke nei ki to kainga e,
Owairaka maunga,
A hi Aue, aue (tama),
E rere tāku poi whakarunga, whakararo,
Tāku poi porotiti e.

A Hi

Piki Mai.

This waiata is about how Wairaka was tricked about who she was going to marry.

Piki mai, Kake mai,
Piki mai kake mai ra,
Homai te waiora,
Kia ahau e tutehu ana,
Ko wai te moe a te kuia,I te po

Kaea: Poi raru ai a,
Poi raru ai a Wairaka,
Kaea: A ha papaki tu ana,
Ngā tai ki te Reinga,
Ka po, ka ao, ka awa,tea,
Tihei Mauriora.

A hi (tama),

Katahi /karua /katoru /kawha,
Aue hi.

Wairaka our ancestor

We know:

Owairaka is the name of our maunga. This is where Wairaka’s brother lived, after he was banished. Then Wairaka lived there.
Owairaka is the Maori name for Mt Albert. It is also our school’s name.

The current tribe/iwi of this area is Ngati Whatua.

We come from different parts of the world so our school tribes are Ngā Hau e Whā meaning from the four winds. Our awa is called Te Puna Waiora o Wairaka. It is located by the marae Ngakau Mahaki at Unitec. We have a school whare/marae called Ngā Ringa Awhina.


The four winds are north, south, east and west.
The four winds in Maori are Raki, Rawhiti, Tonga and Uru or the long version Hauaru. The four winds represent all the cultures that are in our school.

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