Home-Owairaka School pepeha

Our School Pepeha

A pepeha is your identity and your connections to the land (whenua).

Ko Owairaka te maunga
Ko Te Puna Wai-inu-roa o Wairaka te mātāpuna waiora.
Ko Wairaka te tupuna.
Ko Ngā Ringa Awhina te piringa.
Ko Owairaka te kura.
Anei matou, No Nga Hau e Wha, hei tauira.

Owairaka is our mountain.
Te Puna Wai-inu-roa o Wairaka is our source of living water.
Wairaka is our ancestor.
Nga Ringa Awhina is our haven/shelter.
Owairaka is our school.
Here we are from the four winds, an example.

Maku e mahi, mau e mahi, tatou katoa ka whiwhi i te matauranga teitei.

I can do it, you can do it and together we can achieve our goals.

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