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Schools in the Epsom community!

Epsom is a very large community. There are lots of children who need to learn and be educated. Because of this there were lots of schools that we wanted to research. We have narrowed it down to these four schools. Dioscean School for Girls, Auckland Boys Grammar School, St Cuthbert's College and Epsom Girl's Grammar school.

Diocesan School for Girls

Diocesan School for Girls is a very high rated school. The school started on May 1904. This School is a private boarding school. The year nines and upwards can stay at school overnight. In Diocesan they have about 1600 students from levels one to thirteen.

Text by Mei

Auckland Boys Grammar

Auckland Boys Grammar opened in 1869 and when the school opened it only had 68 boys. The first principal was Rev R.B Kidd. The school now has around 2483 students. Between 1899-1902 many former pupils served in the South African war, four of them who died there being commemorated on a brass plaque which still hangs in the school hall. Many people move into the Auckland Boys Grammar zone so they can go to this school. The school has a very good reputation.

Text by Hivin

Epsom Girls Grammar School

Epsom Girls is the only girls high school in the Epsom community. This school first started in 1907 with only 78 girls and 5 teachers. The first principal Annie C. Morrision was the first girl at her high school to win a junior university scholarship. The school has increased rapidly in numbers over the past years and now has approximately 2100 students. The school has a very good reputation.

Text by Tessa

St Cuthbert's College

St Cuthbert's is a private boarding school and is set on the corner of Wapiti Ave and Market Road. The first principal, Isobel MacDonald, started the school rolling in February 1915 with only 190 girls, 38 of them boarders. St Cuthbert's has very sporty talented girls and because of this St Cuthbert's win lots of the Epsom zones, swimming is one of them. The school now has about 1470 students from years 0 through to 13.

Text by Mei and Tessa

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