Home-Waitohu Wet Rock

Term Four 2012

Last year, the year five students went to Waitohu stream just past Waitohu School to test the health of our stream. It was mostly clear clean water which meant it was great! There also was a bit of lichen on the rocks and in the water.

Later in the term year sixes and some year fives visited Haruatai Park. We tested the stream. The results were not good. Puzzled, we found by carefully checking our maps, this was not the Waitohu Stream. It was the Mangapouri Stream. It was in really bad condition with low water clarity, very little shade as well as rubbish and lichen all through it.

The following week some more year sixes went to Whaea Rob's Place near the Ōtaki golf course to measure the water clarity scale. This part of the stream was amazing. Whaea Rob said she was gob smacked.

While the years fives were at Kāpiti Island the year sixes went to the beach to help the Waitohu Stream Care Group by planting along the bank of the stream. These plants will grow and create shade to keep the stream cool.

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