Wooden canoe

Home-The living canoe

What students think

A Bio Poem by the Year 10 students



Natural, Strong , beautiful and gentle

Son of Nukuroa and Avaiki

Loves Te Moana Nui A Kiva and Roto Nui

Dislikes fire, rain, wind , rocks and careless people

One day would love to serve more families

Lives by the sea in Nukuroa, Cook Islands

Paiere Nukuroa



Bio Poem by Nelson (Year 8)



Beautiful, important and helpful

Son of the Great Tamanu tree

Loves people and water

Dislikes being mistreated and bad weather

One day would love to be a man

to serve many people

Lives at the harbour, by the sea

in Nukuroa

I am the Paiere Nukuroa.




Haiku by Tatuava (Year 7)


I love the canoe

It is important to me

the canoe loves me



Acrostic Poem by Jevhan (Year 7)


C = Come

A = And

N = Nurture

O = Our

E = Environment



Acrostic Poem by Lane (Year 9)


P = Powerful

A = Awesome

I = Important

E = Excellent

R = Resource for

E = Everyone


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