Wooden canoe

Home-The living canoe

Canoe Song

From the 14th to the 18th of June, 2010, a conference was held for all the schools in the Cook Islands. It was called the Education for Sustainable Development and Education for International Understanding ESD/EIU.

Our hardworking team presented our project based on the theme called "Mou i te Kura o te Paiere Nukuroa" This project is about the making of the paiere on our island and holding on to the wisdom given by the paiere Nukuroa. We wanted to show what we have learned of the traditional knowledge during the making or building of our paiere.

The seven students (Joseph, Ngarouru (Aru), Junior, Tupuna, Iriea, Jan-Dawn, Maria) who represented our school at the conference also composed a song to say thank you to the paiere for passing on to us the wisdom of our ui tupuna. We named our paiere after the traditional name of our school, "Te Matangarengare" which means, Te matamua - the first born.


Intro ( instrumental )


Teaching me to learn

You make me want to know more

You take me back to my home Avaiki
I want to.....
I want to say thank you
Thank you for your wisdom
You and I sailing
Into the horizon



This is our Island story
This is our pride and glory
Paiere... Paiere
Mermaid of the ocean
Paiere... Paiere
Beauty on the island
Paiere... Paiere



Mou i te kura
O te Paiere Nukuroa.

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