Home-Our school history

Our school history

Titahi Bay North School - Primary

This photograph shows an early school assembly at Titahi Bay North School in 1957. As our school is now over 50 years old we are collecting stories from our past and present as a record for future students.





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"Ko te manu i kai i te miro nōna te ngahere. Ko te manu i kai i te mātauranga nōna te ao"

The bird that eats the berries of the miro tree makes its home in the bush, but the bird that eats education and becomes qualified makes its home in the whole world.


Ko Whitireia te maunga
Ko Porirua te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngāti Toa Rangatira te iwi
Ko te Kura o te Whanga o Titahi ki te Raki te kura




This Living Heritage story was created as part of the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO Pacific Islands' Living Heritage Pilot in the Cook Islands.

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