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Matariki - Middles Celebration

On the 14th of June, week 6 the Middle School celebrated Matariki that's The Māori New Year, by playing games, making origami, learning ti rakau and singing.

We were split into groups, moved through 4 rotations and made special Matariki wishing stars in our classrooms.
At 12.00pm we met outside room 10. Then we shared our Middles Matariki stars with wishes on them. In our middle syndicate there are seven classes just like the seven stars of Matariki. I learned that our ancestors went to 'WAR' and they were helped to survive by the stars of the seven sisters. The stars helped to guide them and survive the war.


  • Reading Legends - Art response
  • String Games
  • Knuckle Bones
  • Ti Rakau
  • Waiata
  • Weaving paper/flax - harakeke
  • Making an origami Pataka
  • Kakahu – feather template
  • Gods Eyes

By Latoya Year 4

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