Learning outcomes
- Research and summarise the history of Waterloo
- Identify our own links to Waterloo, where we come from, and the knowledge of our own iwi
- Use the tuakana/teina collaborative model when working together
Key Competencies
Waterloo kids are curious and are able to use different ways of thinking to learn.
Waterloo kids;
- Know how to be thinkers
- Are creative thinkers
- Are critical thinkers
- Know how and when to use thinking tools
Managing Self
Waterloo kids are self-managers. They know how to behave and are ready for learning.
Waterloo kids;
- Display initiative.
- Identify personal goals.
- Are responsible for their own actions.
- Take a learning risk.
Relating to Others
Waterloo kids are caring, positive citizens who relate well to others.
Waterloo kids are;
- Co-operative
- Connected
- Considerate
- Fun loving
Using language, symbols and texts
Waterloo kids are able to communicate using language, symbols and texts.
Waterloo kids are able to;
- Communicate with others
- Be multi-literate
- Be a meaning maker
- Confidently use ICT
Participating and Contributing
Waterloo kids contribute, participate and have a sense of belonging to our learning community.
Waterloo kids are;
- Team players
- Collaborative
- Actively involved in our school community