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Matamata as an Electorate

Matamata electorate was first established in 1946 and at this time it was known as the Piako electorate. While several name and area changes have occurred over the years this electorate has always been held by a member of the National Party.
William Goosman from National won the first local body election in 1946 and held the seat until 1954 when the electorate was abolished. Mr Goosman won the electorate again in 1957 when they decided to re-establish the electorate and went on to win again in 1960. In 1963 Geoffrey Sim from the National Party took over and then was succeeded by Jack Luxton in 1957 till 1975, followed by son John Luxton from 1975-1999.
In 1999 Lindsay Tisch won the renamed Karapiro electorate for the National party and has held this seat until current day.

Lindsay Tisch (Member of Parliament) + Politician history. Mr Tisch was born in Auckland on 9 October, 1947. At 6 months of age he moved to the family farm in the Hinuera valley on State Highway 29, which is located just out of Matamata. Mr Tisch and his family lived in the Matamata district for most of his childhood. When he was older he then went to Lincoln University and graduated in Agriculture. In 1974 he moved back to the district farming, in conjunction with his wife Leonie, on his own account, and at the same time working as a Farm Appraiser in Rural Banking & Finance Corporation.
Lindsay met his future wife Leonie in 1972, who worked in Education and Lindsay was working as a Valuer.
In 1974 they were married. Leonie and Lindsay have two children, a daughter named Andrea and a son named Karl.
Andrea now lives in Christchurch and is an Enterprise Risk Manager for Westpac. She is married and aged 35. Karl lives in London with his wife and 8 month old baby. He is 33 and owns, in partnership, Hotels in central London.
Before entering parliament, Lindsay was a self-employed, management consultant, farmer, valuer and company director. We asked Mr Tisch why and when did he decide to enter parliament, He replied with “I always had an interest in politics from a very young age. My parents were involved in the National party and from then it was an interest to me.” That interest grew until the 1980s where he was able to get really involved in the National politics and that led him through a various range of positions within the National party. He reached the top of the National party becoming President and in 1996 he was the campaign director that ran the first MMP election for National and then entered Parliament in 1999.
The current Waikato electorate has had many electoral boundary changes and electorate names changes. It has been known as Piako, Matamata, Karapiro and in 2008 it became known as the current name Waikato.
“I didn't feel that the name Piako clearly represented the whole of the electorate because Piako is a river, so I petitioned to have the name changed," said Mr Tisch.
Lindsay always wanted to be a MP from the age of 9 years old, “When I was young my Aunts sat me down at the Tauranga golf club bar and asked me what I wanted to do when I was older, I simply said that I wanted to be a Member of Parliament” If Lindsay didn't end up being an MP he would of carried on his background in the rural sector.
His focus is on opportunities for growth and investment while balancing environmental considerations so when people have jobs they feel good about themselves and have many opportunities that come their way.
Mr Tisch has a warm welcoming heart and a great sense of humour. He cares for the district like any MP should.
49 Broadway, Matamata 3400
(07) 888 6786
PO Box 117, Matamata 3400
Email: lindsay.tisch@parliament.govt.nz

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