Home-Discovering Matamata

Learning outcomes

The Roots of My Family Tree
Students to become investigators and storytellers, collaborating with each other to research Matamata district’s history and heritage. In doing so students will be able to develop an understanding of how the past has not only been preserved, but how it continues to play a role in shaping Matamata district in present day. During the inquiry process students will have the opportunity to spend time with elders in the community and to speak with locals with expert knowledge of the area. They will then work collaboratively to write, and publish their findings to the Website – Living Heritage

Key Concepts (broad abstract understanding about the theme)
● Understanding our decisions impact others both now and in the future
● We can look back at history, understand how it has shaped who we are and learn from it

Our Vision

To empower each individual to achieve their personal best in an environment of courtesy, common sense and consideration.

Key Competency Focus
Relating to Others:
Students displaying this competency are able to develop and maintain positive relationships with a wide range of people of diverse cultures in a variety of contexts. This involves the ability to effectively communicate with, particularly orally, and actively listen to others recognising different points of view and sharing ideas. Being an effective group member requires accepting responsibilities as well as enjoying privileges and knowing when to compete and when to co-operate.

Managing Self:
Students displaying this competency are able to set goals and achieve them to manage their future. Managing impulsivity is an important part of managing emotions. Because they are developing moral courage they are able to act upon their values and principles. They are able to manage their gifts and talents to achieve their potential. They know when to lead, when to follow and when and how to act independently.

Thinking and Using Language, Symbols and Texts

Virtue Focus
Respect - Whakamiha Kindness - Manaakitanga

Learning Areas
AO L4 Processes & Strategies: students will integrate sources of information, processes & strategies confidently to identify, form and express ideas
AO L4 Ideas: Show an increasing understanding of ideas within, across and beyond texts. Select, develop & communicate ideas on a range of ideas
AO L4 Purpose and Audience: Show an increasing understanding of how to shape texts (or how texts are shaped) for different purposes and audiences
AO L4 Language Features: Use a range of language features appropriately showing an increasing understanding of the effects
AO L4 Structure: Organise texts using a range of appropriate structures.
Social Studies
AO L3-5 Understand how people remember and record the past in different ways
AO L3-6 Understand how early Polynesian and British migrations to New Zealand have continuing significance for tangata whenua and communities.
AO L4-2 Understand how people pass on, and sustain, culture and heritage for different reasons and that this has consequences for people.
AO L4-2 Understand that events have causes and effects

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