Home-Tiniroto through the looking glass
- Team Tiniroto
- Research process
- Learning outcomes
- Moa at Tiniroto
- Legend of Whakapunake
- The legend of our rivers
- Te Kooti in Tiniroto
- Farming history in Tiniroto
- Schools in Tiniroto
- The history of the Tiniroto Tavern
- The Army in Tiniroto
- Communication over the years
- Ruakaka Station
- Earthquakes in Tiniroto District
- Fighting fires
- Community Hall
- Te Roto
- Te Awa
- Native birds
- Our maunga
- Tiniroto landscapes
- Remembered for?
- References and acknowledgements
Tiniroto through the looking glass
Tiniroto - Primary

Why was Tiniroto called Tiniroto?
Roto means lakes and Tini means many. Originally the government was going to correctly call this area Rototini because of Maori grammatical rules, however history shows that an Auckland surveyor got this mixed up and using English grammar reversed the order to make Tiniroto.
Painting of Lake Rotokaha with Mt Whakapunake in the background by local artist Jean Loomis. 2010