Home-Shannon heritage

Shannon heritage

Shannon School - Primary


Kia Mau te Puawaitanga o to Mana
Nurturing the Mana of the Learner.

Ko te manu kai ai te miro, nona te ngahere.
Ko te manu kai ai te matauranga, nona te ao.
The bird that eats of the berry, the forest is their world
The bird that eats knowledge, the world is theirs.

Tuatahi, ka tuku atu I nga mihi ki te Atua I runga rawa.
Nana katoa I homai, kei te mihi.
Ki o tatou aitua, kua wheturangitia ki tua o te arai
Haere, haere, haere atu ra.
Koutou kia koutou, tatou kia tatou
Tihei Mauri Ora.

We give thanks to God, who has gifted us with all we have. Thank you.
We pay homage to our tupuna including those of us who are left behind to carry on the works of our ancestors
I sneeze, it is life!

Ko Tararua te maunga
Ko Manawatu te awa
Te Iwi ko Whakatere
Poutu te tupuna
Te Kura o Hanana e mihi nei.

Tararua is our mountain
Manawatu is our river
Ngati Whakatere are the people
Poutu is the ancestral house
Greetings from Shannon School.

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