Home-Knock! Knock! Who's there?

Michael Grieg's visit

Questions and answers from room 2

How did the early Māori live in Bayswater?


When there was no Rangitoto about 400 to 500 years ago. There were early Māori settlements at Bayswater point. Bayswater point was a hill before it was demolished and used to reclaim land at Bayswater. The Māori could catch fish to eat because they were close to a sheltered sand bar with plenty of fish.

How did people travel in the 1800’s and 1900’s?


How did the people get around in Bayswater if it was too far to walk and there were no cars?


The first tram was used in 1910. The council would not pay for the electricity to run electrical trams so the tram used steam to run. It went from Bayswater to Takapuna and on to Milford.

The tram would lose steam so people had to get out when it was going up the hill past Wilson Home. The tram took sheep and cattle from the farms as well.

There was also a car ferry from Devonport and cars would line up to go on the ferry. Sailing was popular and in 1923 a boating club was started in Bayswater.

Were there buses in Bayswater in the 1890’s?

Alyssa, Maia, Levi

Trams continued until 1927 ((90 years ago). Then buses started to run from Bayswater to Takapuna. Buses were faster and there were so many buses. The road was widened near the cemetery to make room for the buses.

Did they have local toy shops?


Were there any shops in Bayswater in the 1800’s?


Were there any shops in Bayswater the 1900’s?


Mr Greig was not sure if there was a toy shop but he told us about the shops that were there.
In the 1890’s there was a general store that sold everything. The shop use to come to you. A horse

and cart was used to deliver milk in a bucket as well as bread and vegetables right up to the 1940's.
Others shops developed slowly because not many people lived in Bayswater in the 1890’s.
A dairy was opened in Balfour Street. A butcher shop, a vegetable shop and a post office was also there.
In Belmont in the 1920’s there were only 2 shops; a bicycle shop and a haberdashery shop that sold clothes. There was also a private library.
More shops came in the 1950’s. The Thai restaurant was a chemist.
A small supermarket was opened in the 1970’s where McDonald’s is now.

Why are there not many villas and bungalows in Bayswater?

Mr Grieg told us that there were not many people who lived in Bayswater until the 1950’s when the navy houses were built.

What were the schools like in the 19th century?


When the navy houses were built more people came to live in Bayswater. New schools like Bayswater were built.
Other interesting information.

When the Europeans settled in Devonport there were manuka trees but no kauri trees because they had been used to build the villas.

There was kauri gum to be found so in the 1860’s – 1900’s there was a small kauri gum industry in Bayswater.


Recommended Citation for images:

North Shore Heritage - Thematic Review Report. Compiled by Heritage Consultancy Services for

Auckland Council. 1 July 2011. Auckland Council Document TR 2011/010.



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