Home-Karitane landmarks

Finding Information

We started our inquiry by brainstorming all the places of interest in and around our community. These included houses, places and even some of our students homes!

Senior students (Years 3-6) visited our local library first. They have an excellent section on local history and our librarian Julie was very helpful. We came back to school with a variety of books. (some were very old and are now out of print, we had to be very careful with them) We also used the internet including the site by the Hocken Library in Dunedin which was a great source of images. Lastly we put a note out in our newsletter and at the local store asking for people who had any information they could share about our topics to get in touch. We had a great response from the Karitane community and some of the children were able to interview some of our older local residents!

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