Waipaoa Station School sign


Research process

Rational - To create the whanau concept of belonging here at our school and within the wider community by learning about out past, the present and thinking about our future.

Within the school community and wider community, we found out that only one family belonged to our local area.
This set the scene for our first task which was to learn about ourselves and where we came from, and to share this information with our class and community, this unit was called Ko au.

Our aim was to:
- Recite who we are in te reo Maori - Pepeha
- Share this with our class mates and the school community

The next step was to learn about the local iwi and research a significant event and person that shaped the local area.

Finally, from our study of the above, the students final task was to design and create art panels that reflect themselves, where they come from and the local area. These art panels are displayed on the outside of the school buildings.

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