Home-How Hokitika got its name

Learning outcomes

Tikanga-awa-iwi (Te Marau o Aotearoa) Horopaki (Context): Te Takenga mai o te ingoa Hokitika

Te Whakaritenga Pāpari me te ahurea.

- Social Organisation and Culture

Te Arotahi ā Mua (Future focus)

Know who they are and where they are from.

Taumata 1-2 (Levels 1-2)

Kotahi tonu te matua o te tangata Māori, ko Ranganui e tū nei, ko Pāpā-tū-ā-nuku e tatoko nei.

1.1 Ka whakamārama i ngā ahuatanga tuturu ne ngā ahautanga ahurea o tētahi wāhi.

(explain the natural and cultural features of a place.)

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