Home-Historical treasures of Millers Flat

The Bakery

The Bakery

The Bakehouse was built somewhere between 1904 and 1908.

It was built for the people in the district to enjoy fresh food made from it and save the hard long journey of going to Roxburgh. During those times the trip was a very lengthy trip and often was on horseback. It was also used for dances and gatherings until the hall was built. The building originally housed early bread-making ovens, a baking area and tearooms. Many of the bakery's customers were travellers from the railway which went right past. The front of the bakery was a tearoom and there were six tables decorated with checkered tablecloths. We are lucky enough to have two of the original tearoom girls still alive to share their unique perspective of the history of the bakery. Bread was also delivered to farmers and locals who were unable to make the regular trip into town.


Mr Frank Vercoe took over the bakery in 1939. He renewed the lease for five more years and later made the choice to do all the work in his building at Roxburgh and delivered from there. Later Mr Ivan Faigan used the building as a radio repair shop.

It still has the original iron on the roof that was imported from England and when the minimal rust gets scratched off it will look as brand new as it was.

The bakery is made of hand-sawn rimu wood and the spouting is held up by big nails hammered in. Also when the bakehouse is restored they will remove and number the bricks as they are taken down and once they are finished the bricks from the oven, they will be cleaned and tidied up and then they will be put back in the exact same way and order as it was before.

These are the handsawn marks on the rimu wood

Top: The oven where the bread used to be cooked

Bottom half of above pic: Where sponge cakes used to be cooked

This is the inside of the oven where the bread used to get cooked

It has the original iron still on the the roof that was imported over from England and when the rust gets scraped off will look brand new as it is on the under side and the concrete floor will stay. Before 1923 they used lamplight only, then they got power for the lights. Once the restoration plan is fulfilled it will become an information of sorts.

The Bakehouse remains the only original and unaltered 20th Century Building in Millers Flat. When the Bakehouse is restored, it will become useful for many purposes such as, a bakers museum and for local artists and for a travelling exhibition and also as an information centre. The outside will be renovated as close as possible to the original condition and the inside will be whitewashed. Last year in 2008 the Millers Flat Bakehouse Trust received a $120 000 grant to contribute towards the cost of the restoration.

In 2010 the restoration will begin and we are fortunate enough to be able to witness the bringing back to life of this local treasure!!

By Jessica and Phoebe.

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