Home-Family celebrations


At Guy Fawkes I went to the city to watch the fireworks with my cousins. By Matti

On Guy Fawkes Day I got a really good spot to watch the fireworks. I saw my friends Adison and Aston. A big ship was making the fireworks explode. By Thomas

The fireworks are awesome because the fireworks flash! By Scott

Fireworks sound like bombs exploding. They are all different colours. Some are really big and some are really little. By Toby

On Fireworks day when I go to bed, I heard fireworks booming. Then I jumped up very fast because the fireworks display was about to start. It was at night time and it was awesome and my favourite ones were yellow and orange. By Hamish

Last night I got to do a sparkler. It looked like gold. It felt crazy because they fizzed and popped in my hand. By Lucy

In the weekend I watched the fireworks and my favourite ones were the love heart and the flower. I had a hot chocolate and my friends were there and I had fun. My dog was scared when we did fireworks at home. By MacKenzie

I liked the fireworks. I saw fireworks at Dad’s work. By Luca

On the weekend I went to the beach and I saw the fireworks in the city. I lit up fireworks. They looked like a spider. By Kyrkos

Fireworks are colourful and sound like bombs exploding and smell like smoke because they are made out of gunpowder. I am so excited about them but I could not see them out the window this year because I am too tall. I tried everywhere in my home! By Jemima

Fireworks are colourful. They are made out of gunpowder. Fireworks explode! When they are done, there is smoke. I watched fireworks with my family. We watched a movie as well. It was cool. By Ella

Last night I watched the fireworks. The fireworks were colourful. I felt a wee bit excited because they were all sorts of colours. By Meg

The fireworks smelled smokey. There are lots of different colours. There are sometimes smiley faces. It sounded like a building was blowing up! By Natalie

At the fireworks you can see smiley face ones and there was a very bit one too. The noise went BOOM! At the end the colour was a mouldy colour because of the smoke. By Emily

I saw the beautiful colours up in the sky. I was the red smiley faces. By Jazzmin

Some fireworks are scary because you think they are working but they aren’t actually working. Then they do. By Reuben

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