Home-A community school

Learning outcomes

Enviro Group Statement

'In partnership with the community, Wairakei Primary School is creating a sustainable future'.

Enviroschools Five Guiding Principles

Our school is a foundation member of the Waikato Regions Enviroschools Programme which was initiated in 2001 and now runs in most regions throughout New Zealand.
The Five Guiding Principles of an Enviroschool are:

  • Empowered Students
  • Sustainable Communities
  • Learning for Sustainability
  • Maori Perspectives
  • Respect for Diversity of People and Cultures

The swirl whilst developed from a prior icon signifies movement, action, typifying both water eddy and rising steam, it projects an authorative 5 step action interlocked and in unison rising up.

The 5 shapes equally signify the steps of P.O.W.E.R.

P.O.W.E.R. Pride - Opportunity - Whanau - Excellence - Respect
'Wairakei Primary School works in partnership with our community to grow our children into confident lifelong learners'.

Website – www.wairakeitaupo.school.nz
Email – info@wairakeitaupo.school.nz

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