Take 25: Whiringa ā-rangi 2009
Kia ora, nau mai ki tēnei whakaputanga o te pānui Tikanga Tuku Iho.
Pānui mohoa
Ngā Tohu Whakawhiwhi ā UNESCO mō Tikanga Tuku Iho
I riro ngā tohu nei i ngā kura e toru i Aotearoa i te mutunga o te Wānanga Digital Futures Ā-Motu ka tū i Te Papa i te Mane te 23 o Noema 2009.
Kāore ngā kura i tono mō ēnei tohu. Nā tētehi rōpū kaiwhakawā motuhake i arotake ngā paetukutuku ka whakaputaina i ngā tau e rua ki muri (30 te tapeke), ā, i tohua e toru ngā kura hei toa.
Ko te whāinga o Tikanga Tuku Iho he whakanui i ngā whakatutukitanga o ngā kura e mahi angitu ana me ngā pāpāho matihiko e whai wāhi atu ki ngā whāinga o UNESCO e pā ana ki te whakaakoranga, te tikanga ā-iwi ā-māori hoki, te ahurea me te whakawhitiwhitinga kōrero.
He taru te mānawa, he rākau ātaahua rānei e whakamanea ana i ngā manu māori?
He aha ngā momo tākaro ā ō tātou tūpuna? I pēhea ō rātou oranga?
Ko wai a Mr Stellin? He aha rātou i tapaina ai te papatākaro i tākaro ai mātou, ki tōnā ingoa?
Koinei ngā pātai ā ngā ākonga nō ngā kura tuatahi o Hauraki, Mahana me Northland i pātai rātou ki a rātou anō, hei rangahau i ngā kōrero o ō rātou hapori ake. Hei hua mō ā rātou ako ā-uiui, kua whakanuia ia kura ki ngā tohu Tikanga Tuku Iho i tautokohia e Te Kōmihana Matua o Aotearoa mō UNESCO.
“E mōhio ana a UNESCO i te tuku ihotanga e ora ana, te tuku ihotanga kore tūturu rānei he mea hei tuakiri hei ukiuki hoki mō te tangata. Mā te tautoko i ngā tamariki ki te ako i ngā mea oneherā e āwhina i a rātou ki te whakarite i a rātou anō hei whakatakoto huarahi mō ngā rā e heke mai nei.”
I haere ētehi ākonga, kaiako hoki nō ngā kura tuatahi a Hauraki, Mahana me Northland ki Te Whanganui-a-Tara ki te NDF. I reira whiwhi ai ā rātou tohu me te $1000 mō ia kura. Mīharo katoa rātou.
Paetukutuku mohoa
Pānuihia The History of a Tree, tō mātou kōrero hou ā Tikanga Tuku Iho. I rangahaua e ngā ākonga tau 1 ki te 2 nō te kura tuatahi o Russley i Ōtautahi te tuku ihotanga o tētehi rākau e tū tata ana ki tō rātou kura. Nā reira ka whai mōhiotanga rātou mō te hītori o tō rātou ake rohe.
Te Whakatere Kōrero
E hiahia ana mātou kia akiakina ētehi atu kura ki te whakanui i ā rātou kōrero ki runga i te ipurangi, mā te whakatū i tētehi rā whakanui ki tō rātou whare pukapuka ā-rohe. Ka tukuna atu e mātou tētehi kawenga tīmatanga, hei ārahi i a koe i roto i tēnei tukanga, pērā i ā mātou mahi mō te kura tuatahi o Cashmere Avenue.
Kia mahara mai. Ki te pīrangi āwhina koe mō tō kaupapa mahi, āhea ake rā, tēnā whakapā mai ki a mātou. E ngākau nui ana mātou ki te mahi tahi me ngā kura, ā, e harakoa ana mātou ki te āwhina. Ka karanga maioha mātou ki ngā kaupapa kōrero hou. Haere ki Whai wāhi kei te paetukutuku o Taonga Tuku Iho mō ngā mōhiohio, ā, me pēhea hoki e rēhita mai.
Ngā manaakitanga
The Living Heritage team.
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Barbara Baker
Curriculum Facilitators
Living Heritage